Sitemap - 2024 - inFocus with David Coletto

Who is this?

The latest Abacus Data poll on Canadian Politics

Is Nenshi going to shake up Alberta politics?

Toronto-St. Paul's Byelection: A Swing Big Enough to Wipe Out 55 Liberal Seats in Ontario

Have the Trudeau Liberals faced an opinion environment like this before?

Has the Bank of Canada's rate cut given Liberal support a lift?

The Motivation to Vote

Are the Liberals closing the gap?

Are the Liberals making inroads with younger Canadians?

What's happening in British Columbia?

Doomed or Ready to Bloom: What the data tells us about Canada's NDP

No Budget Bounce

What impact is the budget having on the polls?

What are Canadians looking for in their next Prime Minister?

Abacus Data: The Most Sought After Polling Firm in Canada

Conservatives open up their largest lead in an Abacus Data poll yet.

The Context Surrounding the Carbon Tax Debate

Labour Politics: How does union membership impact political behaviour?

The latest Abacus Data survey on Canadian politics

Who are the "switchers" in Canadian politics today?

Sprint to 600 with a Spring Special on Until March 31

Unlock the Future of Canadians Politics with a Roadmap to the 2025 Federal Election

Do voters see a difference between the political parties?

"Sorry" Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Exclusive for Paid Subscribers: Conservatives lead by 17.

The Millennial Makeover of Canadian Politics

Conservatives open up a 19-point lead in the latest Abacus Data survey

Where have all the youth gone?

🚀 Sneak Peek: Latest Abacus Data Poll Reveals Conservative Lead by 15 over Liberals

Can Trudeau win in 2025? I don't think so.

Will connecting Poilievre with Trump work for the Liberals?

Do Canadians understand what's at stake over the US Presidential Election?

Liberal dead cat bounce? Conservatives ahead by 17.

What is a Yellow Jersey Mindset?